Actually only take no more than 2 minutes
to go to Windows since the computer is turned on. However, it sometimes feels
very long. To speed up loading of Windows, there are some things you can
done. For example, the icon on the desktop and does not use
wallpaper can be a lot of memory. Change wallpaper with a background
color, and use the Desktop Cleanup Wizard that can be found
with right-click on the desktop to clean
icon. Do not forget, run defrag regularly.
If you frequently add or remove programs on the computer,
clean registry regularly. Use software such as Registry bantu
Mechanic's site. Unfortunately, the trial version of this program
can only be used to improve the course of 6 sections.
Other steps that need to be is me-remove programs that load at -
automatically when Windows starts. Of course, the only programs
that is not needed. How, by removing all the contents of folders
startup through msconfig and open the Start | Run.
14. Use Files and Settings Transfer Wizard to move
files and settings to a new computer. How, click
Start | AllPrograms | Accessories | System Tools, and then run the File and Settings Transfer Wizard.
15. Use the exception of the security settings in Internet Explorer,
so that the update through Windows Update page is running smoothly.
How, open Internet Options in the Tools menu in Internet Explorer. Click the tab
Security, select Trusted Site and click the Sites button. Fill in the name of the site
Windows Update, uncheck the checkbox option Require server
... verification and click OK.
16. If Windows 98 or Me is running slow, check the memory. How,
right-click My Computer and select Properties. Open the Performance tab and
See Resource System. If you reach 80 percent, restart the computer. Remember,
close all programs before viewing the System Resource.
17. If the name that teregister in Windows XP does not suit you,
through the registry fix. Do, open the registry and select My Computer.
Click the Edit | Find and type RegOwner. If you have found, right click,
select Modify and fill in the appropriate name. This change can also
conducted in the key RegCompany.Peningkatan Performance Network and Internet
18. For men, share a folder on your computer to the network, click
right of the folder and select Properties. Click the Sharing tab and enable
option Share this folder on the network. Give your name and click OK.
19. Create a My Network Places icon on the desktop by clicking the right
empty area on the desktop and click Properties. Select the Desktop tab | Customize
Desktop. Then open the General tab and enable option My Network Places.
20. It's an easy way to send messages to other computers on the network, ie,
using Console Message. Open the Control
Panel | AdministrativeTools | Computer Management | Action | All Task | Send Console Message. Type the text that
want to send, add the name of the computer that would dituju and click
21. To set the Internet Connection Firewall (ICF), open the Network
Connection in Control Panel, right-click the connection and click
Properties. Go to the Advanced tab and enable option Protect my computer and network
or by limitting Preventing access to this computer from the Internet.
22. Set the Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) for each connection that
there. Both dial-up or broadband. If your computer is part
from the network that is connected to the Internet, just plug in the computer ICF
23. To find out your IP address, log in by typing in DOS
in the Run command. Then type ipconfig / all.
24. If you receive a message from the Internet through the Messenger, immediately
turn off. How, go to Contol Panel | Administrative Tools | Services,
ganda Messenger and then click Stop. To prevent that do not
delivery, set up so that Messenger becomes Disabled in the Startup.
25. Disable Windows Messenger with the regedit. Open
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Policies \ Microsoft, then select the menu Edit | New | Key,
and give the name of Messenger. Then again with a key in this way
Messenger directory with the name of its key client. After that, click on the menu
Edit | New | DWORD Value, and name-Run prevent. Click the right value
PreventRun, select Modify, fill in the number 1 on the Value data, and click OK.
26. To find out information about the connection on your computer, click
Start | All Programs | Accessories | System Tools | System Information. Select
Tools | Net Diagnostics. In the window that opens and then select
Scan your system option. Wait until the process is completed to see
27. Protect your privacy by preventing the application of Windows Media Player
send data on the habits and the computer you are using the computer
through the Internet to certain addresses. How easy, in Windows
Media Player, select the menu Tools | Options. Open the Player tab, and disable option
Aloww Uniquely internet sites to your player.
28. To lock a computer in a network domain,
press the Ctrl + Alt + Del at the same option and click Lock Computer.
To open again, press the Ctrl + Alt + enter Deldan
password. Configuring the Windows Easy and Fast.
29. To men-disable autorun feature, right-click the CD drive icon,
Properties and select the entry in the AutoPlay tab. Then disable autoplay
for each type of file is listed on the list.
30. Discover the tools under DOS that are still feasible in
folder tools \ msdos in the Windows 98 installation CD.
31. To view the system files by default in-hidden by
Windows XP, select the View tab in the menu Tools | Folder Options in Windows
Explorer. Enable the Display content of system folders.
32. To put the volume control icon in the taskbar, go in
Control Panel | Sound and Audio tab and click Volume. Enable Place volume
control in the Taskbar and click OK.
33. Set the Power button on the keyboard through Control Panel | Power Options in the
the Advanced tab. Define the Power button to select this
option available.
34. Set to clean the Windows Pagefile at shutdown order
security. Do, open the registry and the entry in the directory
HKEY_LOCALMACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control | Session Manager. Edit the key value
Clear-PageFileAtShutdown to 1. Consequently, the process shut down
akan take a little longer.
35. Set Windows to display each file extension. How, in the
Windows Explorer, select the menu Tools | Folder Options and the View tab. Eliminate
check the option Hide file extentions for known file types.
36. Removing the Installed Components
Many components of Windows that does not appear in Add / Remove Windows
Component so that it can not uninstall.
a. Open Notepad and select the menu File | Open. Navigate to the folder
Windows \ Inf. Sysoc.inf contents of the file name. Click Open to open this file.
b. Select the menu Edit | Replace. Hide in the Type I, but empty
Replace With field, click Replace All. The goal is to remove all
Hide the word in this file. When finished, close and save the file.
c. Open the Control Panel and select Add / Remove Programs. Then select
Add / Remove Windows Components, on the windows and then exit akan
appear several components that were previously hidden.
37. Change the picture on the welcome screen with the entrance way to the User Account
in the Control Panel. Open your account and click Change my picture. Define
image of your choice by clicking on the Browse to the disk image
or choose between images that are available.
38. If you look more like the old version of the Start Menu, you can
change it by clicking the right button Start, select Properties. Select
Classic Start Menu and click Customize to set the contents.
39. To improve the appearance on the classic Start Menu, right-click
desktop and select Properties. Open the Themes tab, and select Windows Classic
Theme from the list.
40. Add image to a folder, so that the image is
will appear when the Windows Explorer in the thumbnails. How,
right-click the folder to which you want to be treated, select Properties. Click the Customize tab
and click Choose Picture. Select a picture and click Open | OK.
41. Adjust capacity to the Recycle Bin right-click the Recycle icon
Bin and select
Properties. Fill in the capacity as you want and click OK.
42. At the time set in the View Details in Windows Explorer, right-click
one of the column header untukmengatur columns are displayed. Click
More if necessary, set the other settings.
43. To add programs that you use most often in
Quick Launch, drag the program icon in the Quick Launch.
44. Add the address bar on the taskbar, so that speed up access to
an address on the Internet. How, right-click the taskbar, select
Toolbar | Address. Ganda click to open and close it.
45. Make the display look like Windows Explorer on my window
Computer. How, right-click Windows Explorer icon and select Properties.
In the Target area, after the% SystemRoot% \ explorer.exe add / n, / e,
/ select, C: \ and click OK.
46. To add a program shortcut in the top of the line
Start Menu, right-click its icon in the Start Menu and click Pin to Start
47. So that a drive or folder can be entered in the Send To menu,
shortcut drag it to the folder \ Documen Your Settings \ \ SendTo.
48. Search for SendTo folder? Just click Start | Run and type in SendTo
then click OK.
49. To clear the list of documents in the My Recent Document folder
in the Start Menu, right-click Start, select Properties. And click Customize
open the Advanced tab and click the Clear button list. So that no more
which appears in the My Recent Documents, disable option List my most
recently opened documents.
50. Fast User Switching
With Fast User Switching, a user does not need to logoff while
user login.
a. To enable Fast User Switching, entry in the Control Panel and
select User Accounts. Click the option Change the way users log on or off, and
Use enable Fast User Switching.
b. So that the dial-up connection is still running even though Fast User Switching
in-enable, to the registry entry in the directory
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ WindowsNT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon.
c. Right-click on the right panel and select New | String Value.
Name KeepRasConnections and give the value 1. Restart the computer.
51. To view the content indeed My Recent Documents folder, click
Start | Run, then type% UserProfile% \ Recent.
Multiple User Settings
52. To switch between user accounts, press the Ctrl + Alt + Del,
and then on the Task Manager window that opens, select the Users tab. Right click
user name which you want to use and click the Connect button.
53. Add Guest account so that other people can use computers
You. How, open User Accounts in Control Panel, click Guest | Turn On
the Guest Account.
54. Remember to always log in as System Administrator before
berimbas make changes in the performance of the computer.
55. To copy a user profile, enter in the Control Panel | System.
Entry in the Advance tab and click the Settings button in the User Profiles. Highlight
profile to which you want copied, and then click Copy to and specify the location
storage profile. To change the permission, click the Change button.
56. Change Welcome screen with a login dialog to add a level
security. How, in the entry in the User Accounts Control Panel, select
option Change the way users log on or off and disable Welcome screen.
57. Use the Shared Documents folder to store which can filefile
opened others in the network. This folder can be found in My
Documents \ Other Places area.
58. On Windows XP Pro Edition, the password can expire if the old
not be used to login. To avoid this, set so that Windows does not
do so. How, click Start | Run, type userpasswords2
and Enter. Go to the Advanced tab and select the Advanced user management, click
Advanced button and select the Local Users and Groups. Right-click a user name
and select Properties. Open the General tab and enable Password option never
59. Give the name of each partition or drive with a name that
different. This is important to facilitate the search file.
60. Create a password reset floppy disk as an emergency when
lost password. How, go to Control Panel and open User Accounts.
Select your account and select prevent a forgotten password to start
20 Jun 2009
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